For nineteen years a group of dedicated gamers and friends has made -:Uis:- what it is today, a clan of which we are all justifiably proud.
With more than 2200 battles to our name, -:Uis:- is a clan where taking part is far more important than winning. We are not a pro clan, we play games for fun. Every player that wanted to play in a match did, even if we swapped the whole team at half time.
Having played competitive matches in a number of leagues as well as friendlies, we've finally come to the end of matches, for now! Since the demise of games with dedicated servers we've struggled to find a game we all like for competition.
We do however still play games together, inc Pool, Red Dead Redemption Online, ETS 2, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Satisfactory, Sniper Elite 4 and 5. It doesn't matter if we are all playing different games either. Being together on TS and at meetups is the most important thing.
Call of Duty 4 is the last game to find a place in the -:Uis:- gaming schedule. We've played more than 1400 battles, but we no longer play this game in competitive matches. There are a few of us that still play search and destroy, and freezetag on public servers.
This is the game we started with as a clan, having played more than 800 battles.
Our titles and trophies are a testament to our success, which is amazing since we never trained. To us having fun and enjoying a game with our clan mates is more important.
2294 matches with
1 match every 3.23 days.
20 years,
3 months,
14 days ago
Snowee, Face & Dr. Box
Noot, DizzyKipper & Seb
Our Dog Bob